Race Configuration
Welcome to the race configuration guide! This section will walk you through the essential steps of setting up and managing Hike & Fly competitions using our platform. Whether you're organizing a simple out-and-return task or a complex multi-day event, you'll find all the tools and settings you need to create fair and exciting races.
Public Page vs Race Director View
The public page does not require authentication. From here, anybody can view results, access and download tasks, check series podiums, register for events, and watch live event coverage.
The race director view is only accessible to race directors after successful authentication. Here, race directors can control what information is displayed on the public page.
How to become a Race Director (RD)
Request your account by selecting this button.
If you have any agreements, please select the partner with whom you have special contracts or arrangements. This will enable dedicated functionalities. An admin will review your application and motivation.
Race Management
Starting from the image above from the left, there is a colored bar to the left of the table row. Red means that the race is not visible on the public page.
It follows the Race Name and format. The lock indicates when the race is locked and cannot be edited. If there are so co-drectors will be displayed as a list under Co-Directors. The red "x" is used to revoke acces. Location is the next field (not validated with real locations).
In the date section, there is an indication of the start date (in case of multiple days, there will be an end date too). This time can be changed at any time in add race page.
Status can vary but the most important ones are:
- Under Configuration
- Scheduled
- Under Review
- Provisional Results
- Final Results - this is an hyperlink and can be clicked to see the results
- Cancelled
- Series
The following icons stand for the number of Pilots, Enrolled, Waypoints, and Tasks. The number for each specifies the amount of entries per each category.
The eye icon allows the user to give visibility to the external of the race, namely the main pace accessible without authentication.
In case of Series Round and Standalone events, user will find gear, user and task icons. Such icons will take respectively to race config which is reserved for admin, pilots management and task management. The series will only show a limited set of options.
The ellipsis dropdown features entried for managing and scoring races.
- Lock Race: Toggle to lock or unlock races
- Open Registrations: Toggle to open or close registrations
- Score: The main part where the scoring happens
- Compute Results: Calculate the rankings
- Publish Results: Set the status from provisional results to final results
- View Results: Display the rankings
- Send Results: Email the ranking to all participants
- Add Co-Director: Give permission to another platform user to cooperate on the race management
- Edit: Edit main race parameters
- Cancel: Cancel the race, changing the status. The race still exists in the database
- Delete: Completely delete the race from the database
Last columns provides an indication of the race record creation time.
Create a Race
Select the "Add Race" button to begin configuring a new race.
The add race page is organized into 4 sections:
- General Information
After giving the race a name, a format must be selected:
Standalone Event This is an independent event that is not connected to any other races.
Series Round This is a round that belongs to a series. During configuration, a master event must be selected. No organizer information is required because it inherits this from the series. This mode will automatically copy over all pilots from the series.
Note: If you modify a pilot's status, it will be reflected in the series.
The registration option is closed by default since pilots register through the Series only.
- Series A series defines a master event that will run for a specified period of time.
If a partner is selected, their XContest API key will be used for live tracking and fetching flights from the XContest server. 2. Optional Information
Users can upload a race poster that will be displayed during registrations. A race information pack can be prepared and shared with pilots on the public page. A download button will be available to access this pack.
The next subsection allows race directors to define the rules, which can be viewed on the public page.
- Registration Settings
If registration is left open, pilots can subscribe as soon as a race is created on the public page.
A registration form can be selected, and custom forms can be created by contacting [email protected] to meet race director specifications. The simple form requires only basic fields:
Simple Registration form.
The XCRO form is more comprehensive and requires pilots to upload licenses and medical certificates.
- XContest Settings
If you provide an XCRO URL, it will be displayed on the public page.
When an XContest API key is provided, two features are enabled:
- Live tracking
- Scoring from XContest
This section is only available for Standalone events and Series Rounds. If a partner is selected, this section will be hidden since the partner provides their own paid API key.
IMPORTANT: The XContest API only works within 24 hours of the race date. Please ensure you set the race date correctly to avoid errors.
Race Parameters
Time Parameters
START DELTA TIME: Not used anymore.
RACE OVERTIME: Not used anymore.
DELTA TIME WALKING: Gives extra time to the algorithm to ensure the pilot was walking when entering or exiting a waypoint.
DELTA TIME FLYING: Gives extra time to the algorithm to ensure the pilot was flying when entering or exiting a waypoint.
TIME TO LAND: Gives extra time to the algorithm to ensure the pilot landed.
TIME TO FLY: Gives extra time to the algorithm to ensure the pilot took off.
Speed Parameters
TAKEOFF SPEED THRESHOLD: The fly/walk detection algorithm uses underlying height maps to estimate the delta between the GPS reading of the pilot's device and the ground altitude. It then takes into account the speed at which the pilot is moving. Advice: do not change this parameter.
Distance Parameters
GPS HORIZONTAL ACCURACY: Each GPS point is assumed to have a certain error, estimated with this parameter. When entering the border radius, this value is subtracted from the position when entering the waypoint and subtracted again when exiting.
ALTITUDE GAIN THRESHOLD: Part of the fly/walk detection algorithm, this parameter tolerates a certain amount of deviation from ground elevation before declaring that the pilot was flying.
Other Parameters
RADIUS BUFFER: Each waypoint radius is augmented by this parameter (radius * 1.01) to define a border radius, giving the meet director the option to consider it valid. 1.01 stands for 1% of the waypoint radius.
MINIMUM WAYPOINTS: Traces with fewer than the minimum number of waypoints (MIN_WAYPOINTS) will be discarded.
When the race format is standard, penalties can be configured to penalize the pilot's time. Each penalty is set in seconds and can be adjusted during the race.
Pilots Management
The following view is available:
By clicking on the row, the pilot details view is shown. Clicking on documents will display the document itself. When the date expires, it will be marked in red based on today's date.
A more comprehensive view is available for series, which includes all required documents. For special requests, please contact support.
Important: The pilot's status must be set to either APPROVED or PROVISIONAL to qualify for enrollment in the competition.
Adding a Pilot (Registration)
Registration can occur through the public interface if registrations are set to open. Alternatively, the race owner can manually add competitors, bypassing all checks.
Custom registration forms are available from the main interface. Contact support to develop your custom form.
Clicking the human plus button will trigger the public registration form.
The system supports displaying an event poster to competitors.
For internal pilot addition, the following simplified interface will appear:
Bulk Import
IMPORT and EXPORT functions are available to import directly from Google Sheets, XContest CSV, or a generic CSV file.
Google Sheets format: Required columns are
, name
, surname
, xcontest
, and email
. Select Share and copy the link in this format: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Dzl-w7bD08sqH2NQ42hqUUVjUURrt7Xc5N6xQtPYnbv/edit?usp=sharing
. Paste the link into the interface.
For XContest, once you have the necessary privileges, you can download the pilot list in CSV format. Only approved pilots will be imported. The platform reads these CSV files directly.
For Generic CSV files: The fields pilot_id
, name
, surname
, and xcontest
are mandatory. Optional fields include "email" and "phone".
Pilot exports in CSV: This file can be imported again using the import function
Pilot list for registration check: An Excel sheet to help evaluate registration requirements JSON format: A universal format (currently not used for importing)
Other Functions
Task: Navigate to task building
Delete All: Permanently delete all pilots from the database
Print: Print the pilot list
Enrollment Management
When a pilot's status is set to either "APPROVED" or "PROVISIONAL," they become eligible to join a race. To admit them to the race, simply slide the components on the left
Task Management
The main view displays a list of all tasks.
Waypoints Import/Export
Waypoints can be imported in .gpx, .kml, or .wpt formats.
Make any necessary adjustments in the preview table before importing.
JSON export is available but not currently used elsewhere.
Tasks list
All Timing values are editable. Ensure they remain within the race dates.
Task Configuration Badges
Goals can be set as Walk, Fly, or Any. If a goal is defined as Walk, it will be marked as failed if a pilot enters by flying.
THS: Estimated Hike Time will be present only in case of "Vertical race".
RACE TO GOAL and ELAPSED TIME are used to create the .tcsk file and generally mean:
- RACE TO GOAL: Start time will be the task start time for all pilots
- ELAPSED TIME: Start time is open for each pilot
GOAL Types:
- Cylinder: A typical cylinder radius. The clock stops at the edge. For elapsed time tasks, timing starts at the edge when exiting the cylinder.
- Line: A line that must be crossed. Time is taken at the crossing point.
A sequential list of waypoints as defined in the task follows.
The total waypoint stat card in the top right is clickable and provides a list of waypoints.
Elements of the menu:
Elements of the menu:
- View Map
- Taskboard
- Download
- Edit
- Delete
- Public availability
Cloud icon represents QNH settings. It allows you to set the QNH and other weather parameters. Blue indicates the settings are saved.
View Map Tasks can be visualized on a map showing the center route - the path going through all waypoint centers.
The optimized path is calculated using the Uniform Cost Search algorithm, with turnpoints marked in red as "tp".
Taskboard A taskboard is then created and can be viewed using the following button.
The taskboard can be downloaded and printed as a PDF.
Download Task download: Compatible .tcsk file format can be downloaded for testing.
Edit Edit task will open the task and allow you to edit its properties.
Delete Tasks can be deleted.
Public availability The on/off slider makes the task public, allowing the general public to view and interact with it by downloading the task file according to XContest rules.
Add Task
Set your task name, description and radio frequency.
Task Types
Standard A race where pilots are allowed to enter goal even if they miss waypoints, though penalties will be applied.
Out and Return The pilot who flies the furthest distance and returns will be the winner. If no pilot reaches goal, distance to goal will be used to rank pilots.
Vertical A race where time is measured from Start of Speed Section (SSS) to Goal, typically completed on foot. Pilots are then allowed to fly freely and attempt to hit the center when landing. A special formula is used to score the time in relation to the THS (Estimated Hike Time) and the distance from the center. Pilots are ranked by their total points.
Carambola A standard race scored based on the XContest scoring system, which must be entered manually.
Adventure Each waypoint must be hit sequentially and none can be missed. When a missed waypoint is detected, the pilot's distance to goal will be calculated through the waypoint center to goal.
Center This format is designed for precision landing scoring, where a standard race is combined with measuring distance from the center landing point.
Finish Type
The finish type can be enforced as either "by walk" or "by fly". If set to "any", the finish method doesn't matter. This rule is strictly enforced - if set to "walk" and a pilot finishes by flying, they will either receive a penalty or have their race end at that waypoint (depending on the race format, e.g., Adventure/Vertical).
Sequence Enforcement
- Enforced from Start: Waypoints must be reached sequentially starting from the Start of Speed Section (SSS)
- Enforced from Takeoff: The first takeoff point must be reached, but after that point sequential order is not checked.
In the general view, you can build a task by clicking on each waypoint select button or choose to edit/delete waypoints. A path is automatically built between waypoints. The waypoint radius can be adjusted by pulling the radius handle.
Alternatively, tasks can be built using the toolbar and the "+" "-" buttons.
Waypoint Types
- SSS: Start of Speed Section
- Ground: Must be reached on foot
- Take off: Only used for the .xctsk file and to build the taskboard
- Landing: Must exit on foot
- ESS: End of Speed Section. Must always be followed by Goal. The clock stops at ESS
- Goal: Must be the last waypoint. When selected, a cylinder or line is shown on the map to help race directors determine what makes most sense for their race.
In the task builder, in case of mistakes, waypoints can be dragged up and down.