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Live Tracking Setup Guide

This guide explains how to configure your flight instruments for proper live tracking during Hike & Fly events.

XCTrack Setup - Android

Automatic Actions Configuration

  1. Go to Preferences menu
  2. Find Automatic Actions
  3. Set the following:
  4. Landing Detection: No Detection
  5. Takeoff Speed: 1 km/h

Automatic Actions Configuration

Live Tracking Setup

  1. In Preferences, enable live tracking

Enable Live Tracking

  1. Under Pilot section:
  2. Enter your username and password
  3. Click LOGIN to confirm

Pilot Login

  1. If credentials are correct, you'll see Connected to XContest

FlySkyHy Setup - iPhone

Live Tracking Configuration

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Enable XContest Live Enable XContest Live XContest Live Enabled XContest Live Settings
  3. Enter your login credentials
  4. Set maximum tracking interval to 5 seconds

Flight Recording Settings

Flight Recording Settings

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Other
  2. Disable:
  3. Auto start Flight
  4. Auto end flight
  5. Important:
  6. Press Start button before beginning the event
  7. Use Stop button at the end of the event

For technical support:
Email: [email protected]